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Platanthera algeriensis
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This is a rare species,  similar in appearance to P.chlorantha apart from greener-coloured flowers and it favouring a very different habitat.  It grows in acidic conditions, such as marsh, damp meadows and pasture.  In Europe this species is restricted to a few sites in Corsica, Sardinia, mainland Italy and Spain but it also occurs in Algeria from where it was first described. 

The plants described here were seen in Sardinia in early June when they were in full flower.   Generally 25-40cm tall with leaves (less rounded than P.chlorantha) almost clasping the stem, although this may be due to the fact that they grew in dense clumps of sedge.  The flowers similar in size and shape to P.chlorantha but an intense, almost translucent green rather than the greeny-white of the latter.  In the majority of plants the lip was turned under itself as in the picture to the right although a few showed the vertical lip as seen in the lower-right image.

The plants  were growing in heavily grazed wet pasture and all plants seen were growing singly in the centre of a tussock rather than in the surrounding sward.

At many if not most sites this species is under threat because of drainage of its habitat.